HSP : Hot Soup Processor ver3.6 / onion software 1997-2021(c)


HSP3 Frequently Asked Questions

This page will be useful for frequently asked questions and many beginners among the questions asked on the HSPTV! Bulletin Board. It is a collection of questions and a list. Please use it together with the manual search and the help browser search. See also HSPWiKi's HSP FAQ ".

  1. Problems during program execution
  2. Regarding the release of the created program
  3. Other

Problems during program execution

I get an unknown error

error code tells you the cause of the error. The location of the error can also be inferred from the line number.

There is no problem when started from the script editor, but an internal error occurs when using the application

Copy the DLL or image file to the same directory as the created application.

The script on the website doesn't work

You may need to modify the script for HSP2 when running it on HSP3. Similarly, you may need to modify the script for HSP3 when running it on HSP2. Check the version of the script on the website that works.

Regarding the release of the created program

Can I rewrite the

Yes, it is possible.

Is it okay to distribute the
DLL with my own program?
Read the

DLL documentation and follow the instructions.


The screen flickers
Try using the

redraw instruction. At this time, do not use the cls command to clear the screen.

It may not be recognized if you press multiple keys on the keyboard at the same time

Most keyboards have keys that can be recognized at the same time. This is an unavoidable problem from software.

ONION software