HSP : Hot Soup Processor ver3.6 / onion software 1997-2021(c)
"HSP TV folder material" is an image and sound data file that can be freely used when presenting a work. With a simple license, it can be used for works other than HSP.
You can also freely refer to "WebDish Service" , which allows you to publish HSP scripts on the Web.
I hope that many works will be created by utilizing "HSPTV folder material" and "WebDish material".
HSP3.6 WebDish material data https://dev.onionsoft.net/seed/webdish_res.html
You can easily refer to the material from the HSP script.
picload dir_tv+"bg01.jpg"
The HSPTV folder is referenced by writing the file name after "dir_tv +".
(HSP3Dish searches the material in the HSPTV folder by default without entering dir_tv.)
When creating an executable file and distributing it, use the #pack or #epack instruction to distribute only the necessary materials.
Please note that it needs to be added as a resource.
In HSP3.6β3 or later, a module for loading resources in a batch is provided.
#include "hsptv_res.as"
By writing the above at the beginning of the script, the following instructions will be added.
hsptv_se _p1 Load sound effects together _p1: 1 = Simple sound effect (SE01 ~ SE15) _p1: 2 = Real sound effects (SND01 to SND19) (After that, it can be played with mmplay SE01 etc.) hsptv_tamadot _p1 Read Tamane-chan 2D pixel art material _p1 : 0=64~64 1=32~32 (The screen buffer ID is assigned to tamadot) (It will be possible to display by ceput tamadot, number) hsptv_tamane _p1 Read Tamane-chan 2D standing picture material _p1: 0 = 256 x 512 dots, 1-8 = 512 x 1024 dots (The screen buffer ID is assigned to tamas) (Ceput tamas, can be displayed by number) hsptv_tamasc _p1 Read Tamane-chan uniform material _p1: 1 to 5 (variations) (The screen buffer ID is assigned to tamasc) hsptv_keisc _p1 Read professional student uniform material _p1: 1 to 5 (variations) (The screen buffer ID is assigned to keisc) hsptv_tamawiz _p1 Tamane-chan witch Load material _p1: 1 to 10 (variations) (The screen buffer ID is assigned to tamawiz) hsptv_keiknight _p1 Read the material of professional student knight _p1: 1 to 10 (variations) (The screen buffer ID is assigned to keiknight)
baku.png ball64.png bg.png bg01.jpg bg02.jpg bg03.jpg bg04.jpg bg05.jpg bg06.jpg bg07.jpg bg08.jpg bg09.jpg bg10.jpg bgpeas.png bgsmoke.png bgtex.png bom.png btn_hard.png btn_hsptv.png chr.png cookgirl.png dankun.png efx.png efx2.png face1.png face2.png fontchr.png gamechr.png hsp3dish.png hsp3scr.jpg hsptv_img.png janbg.png janpai.png jp6girl.png jpchr.png kei_knight1_1.png kei_knight1_2.png kei_knight1_3.png kei_knight1_4.png kei_knight1_5.png kei_knight2_1.png kei_knight2_2.png kei_knight2_3.png kei_knight2_4.png kei_knight2_5.png kei_school1_1.png kei_school1_2.png kei_school1_3.png kei_school1_4.png kei_school1_5.png king_knight.png koma.png logop.png mapbg.png mini_kei.png mini_tamane.png onibtn.png parts.png pronama.png punichr.png runner.png sozai1.jpg sozai10.jpg sozai11.jpg sozai12.jpg sozai13.jpg sozai14.jpg sozai15.jpg sozai2.jpg sozai3.jpg sozai4.jpg sozai5.jpg sozai6.jpg sozai7.jpg sozai8.jpg sozai9.jpg tamadot.png tamaface.png tamane_b.png tamane_b1.png tamane_b2.png tamane_b3.png tamane_b4.png tamane_b5.png tamane_b6.png tamane_b7.png tamane_b8.png tamane_s.png tamane_s1.png tamane_s2.png tamane_s3.png tamane_s4.png tamane_s5.png tamane_s6.png tamane_s7.png tamane_s8.png tamane_school1_1.png tamane_school1_2.png tamane_school1_3.png tamane_school1_4.png tamane_school1_5.png tamane_wizard1_1.png tamane_wizard1_2.png tamane_wizard1_3.png tamane_wizard1_4.png tamane_wizard1_5.png tamane_wizard2_1.png tamane_wizard2_2.png tamane_wizard2_3.png tamane_wizard2_4.png tamane_wizard2_5.png tamane_y1.png tamane_y2.png tcard.png textile.png treeset.png trump.png typegirl.png yama.jpg yama2.jpg
bgm04.mid bgm06.mid bgm1.mid bgm10.mid bgm11.mid bgm12.mid bgm13.mid bgm14.mid bgm15.mid bgm16.mid bgm17.mid bgm18.mid bgm19.mid bgm2.mid bgm20.mid bgm3.mid bgm5.mid bgm7.mid bgm8.mid bgm9.mid explos.wav inject.wav jp_dead.wav jp_jump.wav se01.wav se02.wav se03.wav se04.wav se05.wav se06.wav se07.wav se08.wav se09.wav se10.wav se11.wav se12.wav se13.wav se14.wav se15.wav se_aaa.wav se_block2.wav se_bom.wav se_break.wav se_break2.wav se_break3.wav se_click.wav se_foot.wav se_jump.wav se_jump2.wav se_puyo.wav se_shot.wav se_shot2.wav se_tyuiin.wav sel.wav
The HSPTV folder material is provided as part of the full HSP (Hot Soup Procrssor) set and is copyrighted by onion software.
The HSPTV folder material can be freely used, modified, and distributed when the user creates the software. When writing the copyright, please post as follows.
HSP3.6 WebDish material data https://dev.onionsoft.net/seed/webdish_res.html
Professional student and professional student collaboration materials are distributed according to the professional student usage guidelines.
https://kei.pronama.jp/guideline/ (C) Pronama LLC
Even if you use the HSPTV folder material, you are not obliged to make a copyright notice. However, if you want to use it for commercial purposes or sell the material itself, please contact the author (onion software). Except for some data, there is no restriction on the use even for commercial use, so We will inform you about the provision of licenses individually.